
May 18, 2012

Obviously, the blog layout update has not yet happened. That's because I'm busy with a little something else...

I'm never content with doing just one thing, and as much as I love writing, I also like exploring different creative mediums (recording, art, etc). I'm currently running a giveaway for an 8x10 print from my Etsy shop. I'm also four GFC followers away from this week's goal over on The Tall Blonde Artist, so please click two buttons and make my day!

If you're dying for some writing (of course you are), here you go. This is from what is, essentially, Creation 2.0 (another awe-inspiring dream feat. RPatz):

"Help us!" the fellow shouts, but I'm hobbling away as fast as I can go. I want to cry for my Ma and Pa. I want to shoot them all. I'm a grown girl and I'm terrified, and I'm scared and I don't know what on God's brown Earth to do. I'm bleeding more and more. The pain is a terrible pain, worse than the teeth Ma pulled or when I broked my arm falling off the wall. I've never seen so much blood in my life.

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